
Differential Equations of first order and first Degree engineering mathematics complete course cover

Differential Equation of 1st order and 1st degree

Differential Equations of first order and first Degree  is one of the most important and fundamental chapter of engineering mathematics, we have cover complete module for you

Table of Content

  1. Exact Differential Equation.
  2. Reducible To Exact Differential Equation. (Rule 1 ,Rule 2, Rule 3).
  3. Linear Differential Equation.
  4. Reducible to Linear Differential Equation  (Method-1, Bernoulli’s Equation).

List of all lectures

Theory of Differential Equations of first order and first Degree

Differential equations are mathematical equations that describe the rate of change of a system over time. They are used in a wide range of fields, from physics to economics, and are essential in engineering. In engineering mathematics, differential equations of first order and first degree are of particular importance.

A first-order differential equation is one in which the highest derivative of the unknown function is the first derivative. A first-degree differential equation is one in which the unknown function appears to the first power. Therefore, a first-order and first-degree differential equation can be written in the following form:

dy/dx = f(x,y)

where y is the unknown function and f(x,y) is a function of both x and y.

The solution of a first-order and first-degree differential equation involves finding the function y that satisfies the differential equation. This is done by integrating both sides of the equation with respect to x:

∫dy = ∫f(x,y)dx

The solution to the equation will typically have a constant of integration that needs to be determined from initial conditions. These initial conditions provide specific values for the function and its derivative at a given point, allowing us to find the unique solution to the differential equation.

First-order and first-degree differential equations are used in many engineering applications. For example, in electrical engineering, they can be used to model the behavior of circuits and electrical systems. In mechanical engineering, they can be used to model the motion of systems such as vehicles or robots. In chemical engineering, they can be used to model the behavior of chemical reactions.

In summary, differential equations of first order and first degree are an important tool in engineering mathematics. They are used to model the behavior of complex systems and find solutions to problems that cannot be solved by other methods. The ability to understand and solve these types of equations is essential for engineers and scientists working in a variety of fields.

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