
complex number engineering mathematics complete course cover

Complex Numbers

Complex number is one of the most important and fundamental chapter of engineering mathematics, we have cover complete module for you

Table of Content

  1. Powers and Roots of Complex Numbers(Part-1).
  2. Application of De-moivre’s theroem i.e Expansion of Sinnx,cosnx in terms of sine raise to x,cosine raise to x,and vive versa.
  3. Powers and Roots of Complex Numbers(Part-2)(imp).
  4. Logarithmic Of Complex Numbers.

List of all Lectures

  1. Complex Number|Part-1||Applied mathematics|Engineering Mathematics|In hindi|Spteaching

Theory Of Complex number Engineering mathematics

In engineering mathematics, a complex number is a number that consists of a real part and an imaginary part. It is represented in the form a + bi, where a is the real part, b is the imaginary part, and i is the imaginary unit (i.e., i^2 = -1).

Complex numbers are widely used in engineering mathematics to represent physical quantities that have both magnitude and phase. For example, in electrical engineering, complex numbers are used to represent electrical quantities such as voltage, current, and impedance. In mechanical engineering, complex numbers are used to represent oscillatory motion, such as vibrations and waves.

One of the main uses of complex numbers in engineering mathematics is in the analysis of linear systems. Linear systems are systems that exhibit a linear relationship between the input and output. By representing the inputs and outputs of a linear system as complex numbers, engineers can use techniques such as Fourier analysis and Laplace transforms to analyze the system’s behavior.

Complex numbers are also used in signal processing, control theory, and many other fields of engineering. In signal processing, complex numbers are used to represent signals in the frequency domain, which allows engineers to analyze and manipulate signals with different frequencies. In control theory, complex numbers are used to represent the poles and zeros of a system, which are important in determining the stability and performance of the system.

Overall, complex numbers are a powerful tool in engineering mathematics that allows engineers to represent and analyze physical systems with both magnitude and phase, and are an essential component of many engineering applications.

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